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European Route of Industrial Heritage (ERIH)

Because the significance of industrial heritage plays an important role not only in Germany, but also internationally, there has for years been the “European Route of Industrial Heritage” (ERIH), an international network of industrial heritage sites. With more than 850 sites in 32 European countries, the European Route of Industrial Heritage is a network of industrial locations, with the aim of protecting the European industrial heritage sites and using their preservation as a stimulus for regional development in areas often threatened by economic decline.

The sites comprise 72 anchor points which form the virtual ERIH main route. 13 regional routes provide a deeper introduction into the landscapes’ industrial history. All the sites are attached to ten European theme routes which demonstrate the rich diversity of European industrial history and their common roots.

The international significance of the Landschaftspark Duisburg-Nord is also further underlined by the fact that it is one of the anchor points on the European Route of Industrial Heritage.

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